“The Motorcycle: The Definitive Collection of the Haas Moto Museum” book out now

Over the last 6 years or so I have fully detail photographed all but one motorcycle housed in the Haas Moto Museum. Last year Stacey Mayfield at the Haas lead a push to create a fantastic 300 page hardcover book largely featuring my photographs of the wonderful Haas motorcycle collection. All but about 30 photographs in this book are of my work and I am so very proud to be able to share the collection with anyone who wishes to purchase this book. Not only is Bobby Haas’ (and Stacey Mayfield’s) legacy to the motorcycling world over the last 10 arguably the most important for the fans of two wheeled things but purely the visual variety of cycles collected by the Haas team constitutes a read through to any person with respect for art and hand built creations.

It is still surreal to have a published book for photographs of the thing I love photographing possibly the most of any subject. I can only express my greatest thanks to Stacey Mayfield for making this happen, trusting me with the work, and the Haas team for assisting me in photographing ALL of the bikes and welcoming me to Dallas and the Museum with some of the greatest generosity I have experienced in my life.

Take a peek at these few shots of the book - certainly they won’t do it justice.

Purchase Link: Haas Moto Museum Biker Boy Shop


XS650 restoration progress